I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Tenure-Track) in the Department of Mathematics and Physics at Kansas Wesleyan University. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mathematics at York University. I do research in Applied Mathematics, particularly Mathematical Biology. Currently, under the supervision of Prof. Jane Heffernan, I am working on Infectious Disease Modeling focusing on COVID-19, hepatitis-B virus replication dynamics in the liver, and the Age-Structured Model of malaria parasite replication dynamics in RBC. In addition to my research, I am teaching undergraduate mathematics courses.
Mathematical Biology, Infectious disease Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Models
Current Research Projects:
Epidemic trends for a new corona virus under effective control measures in an amusement park: An agent-based modeling approach
Age- and- Phase Structured Model for Malaria Parasite Replication Dynamic in RBC
Global Sensitivity Analysis: A case study of the Single-Cell Hepatitis B Virus Infection Dynamics in the Liver using Latin Hypercube Sampling based PRCC and variance-based Sobol’ method.
Spatial HBV Model - Expansion of Prior Representative Sinusoidal Model to Investigate the Role of Cytokine Interferon in the Innate Immune Response
University of Guelph, Canada
Ph.D in Applied Mathematics (2018)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
MS in Mathematics (Computational)
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
B. S. in Mathematics and M. S. in Applied Mathematics